About Us

Welcome to Prep Starts Now, your go-to hub for family emergency preparedness. We understand that life can throw curveballs at any moment, and it's our mission to help you and your loved ones be ready, resilient, and well-equipped for any unexpected event. Whether it's a natural disaster, a power outage, a medical emergency, or any other crisis, we're here to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to prepare effectively.

Our Mission

At Prep Starts Now, our mission is clear: to empower individuals and families with the information, products, and training necessary to plan for and respond to emergencies. We believe that preparedness is not about living in fear but about living with confidence, knowing that you have taken the necessary steps to protect your family.

- What We Offer

Preparedness Products: Explore our carefully curated selection of emergency preparedness products and supplies in our Prep Shop to ensure you're well-equipped for most any situation. 
Preparedness Academy: Get informed and educated with The Prep Academy, where you can access a wealth of training materials. Learn the essential skills required to navigate emergencies with confidence, from disaster response to basic first aid.

Preparedness Blog: Stay informed and inspired by our Prep Blog, where we share the latest insights, tips, and real-life stories related to emergency preparedness. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques.

Community and Support: Connect with a like-minded community of individuals who understand the importance of preparedness. Share your experiences, ask questions, and support each other on your preparedness journey.

- Why Prepare Now? 

Preparedness is not just about having the right gear; it's about having the right knowledge and skills. When you're ready for the unexpected, you can focus on taking care of your family and loved ones instead of scrambling to figure out what to do next. Emergencies happen, but they don't have to catch you off guard. At Prep Starts Now, we firmly believe that the time to prepare is before the emergency strikes.

- Get Started Today

The old saying holds true: "It's better to be safe than sorry." So why wait? Explore our Preparedness Products,  explore the Preparedness Academy, dive into our Prep Blog, and take the first steps toward a safer and more secure future. Your family's well-being is worth it.

Prep Starts Now is your partner in preparing for the unpredictable. Let's face the future with confidence because when you're prepared, you're resilient. Join us on this journey, and remember: Prep Starts Now.