Why Should You Prepare Now?

Why Should You Prepare Now?

Written By: Zak Gillies

“there's no harm in hoping for the best as long as you're prepared for the worst.”

― Stephen King, Different Seasons

Have you ever thought to yourself that you should start getting ready for an unplanned natural disaster but for whatever reason you just never get around to it?
Or maybe you got to it a long time ago and you still have protein bars in your 72 hour kit from 5 years ago because you haven't looked to see what is inside your kit since you first packed it. 

Sometimes because our lives are so peaceful for so long we forget that trouble might be right around the corner and we just continue living. 

You are not alone!

According to a survey on ValuePigeon  taken in August of 2022, it explains that:

"In total, two-thirds of Americans don't feel fully prepared for potential natural disasters". 

With the innumerable tragedies that have taken place in the past and with the countless stories we hear in the news, what greater warnings do we need to have to know why we need to prepare now? 

An article on thezebra.com  explains:

"On average, there are about 6,800 natural disasters that happen every year worldwide."

Understanding the number of natural disasters that happen worldwide every year can really put into perspective the likelihood of one happening near you. 

With this perspective and with the many warnings we have had in the past the real question becomes, how can we start preparing now?

To support you and your family on your journey to becoming confident in your preparedness efforts, we have put together a free emergency planning guide that you can download and share with your family and friends!

You are not alone in this need to be prepared for whatever life may throw at us. Lets stop procrastinating the things that matter most to our security and peace of mind and start prepping together now!

 DOWNLOAD our Free Emergency Planning Guide to share with your family and friends now!  

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